Tuesday 30 November 2021


Generally, when you talk about sneakers you usually think of running, gyming or casual outings. But have you thought about wearing them to your office meetings? It is not bogus. Sneakers can also go with your formal attire to a formal meeting, office etc, and nobody will judge you of course unless you work in the judiciary department. If you want to know how then keep on reading this blog: Things to keep in mind about sneakers and formals Of course, not all shoes are appropriate for wearing with a suit, and both aspects - sneaker and suit - are equally responsible for the overall look's success. If your formal attire is ill-fitting, badly constructed, or wrinkled, not even your most costly Italian leather sneakers can save you. Pant legs that sag over your footwear are simply untidy. Just because you're wearing them with shoes doesn't imply you can relax with your formal attire. For this style to work, you must have great tailoring - this is a must. Just like a fitted pencil skirt compliments clogs shoes a well fitted suit also compliments your sneakers. How to make sneakers formal? If you want to take a break from wearing your usual clogs shoes and experiment a bit with your fashion then make your sneakers formal. First of all, Color is simply one of three important factors to consider when selecting the perfect shoe to wear with a suit. The silhouette and materials are the other two. Discovering the answers to all three points will allow you to crack the secret of wearing shoes with formal attire, and it's really easier than it sounds. Choose the right colour Blacks and greys are definitely suggested, especially for really formal occasions. They mix very nicely with your entire outfit, and only a thorough investigation will reveal that, hey, you're wearing shoes! If you select the proper shoe, these should be positive reactions. Wearing monochromatic clothing is not a hard and fast rule for less formal occasions. White may be more noticeable than blacks and greys, but it conjures a timeless calm that has made them a favoured match with formal clothing. Neutral browns and navy blues are also appropriate hues for a formal shoe ensemble. Silhouette You can't even get away with wearing your big athletic high-tops. Silhouettes must be kept low to emphasize the complete sleekness of your appearance. You can style black ankle-length trousers with a chic sneaker in the same colour family. Matching the colour of your pants and shoes makes them more formal and keeps peoples’ attention to you only and not your shoes. Materials Leather shoes are more rich and sophisticated, and thus far more "fitted" to formal wear than canvas sneakers. Suede and nubuck, with their velvety feel, are also appropriate formal fabrics. Who said formal and fashion can never go hand-in-hand? Try these formulas and keep your styling new and refreshed. But remember one thing, sneakers can be anything but boring. So go ahead and experiment with your fashion now!


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